For more than... 35 years

Since the beginning in 1982, Adalia , operates in the pest management and fumigation fields. Adalia sets itself apart from the competition by the application of innovative processes.

The care we have for the respect of our environment reflects itself even into our name. In deed, Adalia Group Inc., is firstly the name of a well- known family of beneficial insects "the Lady Bug". This insect was widely used in gardens and orchards to control unwanted pests.

Our competent and highly qualified technicians are certified by the Ministry of Environment and have also went through the training courses given by AIB (American Institute of Baking). With the ongoing support of our professionals (biologists, entomologist, chemist and engineer), Adalia can answer all your needs for pest management.

Provide services that meet the highest standards of service area, to share with our partners (customers, employees and shareholders), the fruit of program cost reduction.

Our vision is to be for our customers the preferred supplier of pest control services, an employer of choice for our employees, while meeting the legitimate expectations of our shareholders.

And our mission is to contribute to the success of our customers by providing Pest Control professionals services, efficient, environmentally sound and adapted to their needs and expectations.

Adalia has an enviable reputation all around the province for its agricultural services, also, the professionalism and quality of our industrial & maritime fumigation services are worldly recognized.

Our Services

& treatment

Adalia Group inc., licensed applicators in the prov. of Quebec,use specialized equipment and have many years of experience in application procedures of the Ag-Services products.

fumigation CENTer

Adalia Group Inc. has developed and operates the first fumigation center entirely dedicated to the fumigation of sea containers, trailers and various bulked goods.

MARITIME fumigation

Adalia Group inc., Canadian leader and first company to establish a national in-transit fumigation program.

Other services

Adalia offers the most performing service for quarantine treatment, service to elevators and large size bins in the maritime industry.

Any questions?

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8685, Lafrenaie,
Saint-Léonard, QC
H1P 2B6


(514) 852-3010
toll free
1(800) 661-1420